Non Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and the Body of Christ
"I have been concerned and grieved for years by the statement: “Our church required we sign an NDA. There would be no compensation if we ever spoke about what happened”. In other words humans who have been mistreated, abused or used in some fashion must keep silent or the church would, bluntly put, do harm to them and/or their reputation..."
When the Sheep are Preyed Upon: Acknowledging the Tragic Reality of the Church’s Spiritual Abuse Problem
"A church that follows her Head, the Good and Great Shepherd, is a refuge for the flock, a place of green pastures and clear waters, a place of restoration for wounded sheep, and most certainly, a place that fights off the wolves..."
Today’s Crises Have Multiplied & Exposed Trauma, How Will the Church Respond?
"The God of truth and light speaks through today’s difficult and frightening circumstances, inviting us to examine ourselves..."
Bearing the Image of Christ While Caring for Others
"We are living in confusing, complicated, lonely, and threatening times. If we are honest, we feel vulnerable. And, in fact, we are vulnerable...."
Latest Talks
- Podcast: Holy Curiosity | Christianity TodayApril 18, 2024 - 2:27 am
- Podcast: Redeeming Power | Trinity Forum ConversationsApril 25, 2023 - 6:16 pm
- Wolves, Sheep and ShepherdsMarch 11, 2020 - 12:38 am
Latest Lessons
- Listening to God’s Voice to Silence TraumaMarch 26, 2021 - 2:33 pm
- Non Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and the Body of ChristFebruary 15, 2021 - 6:38 pm
Useful Links
- Diane’s Youtube:
- Diane’s Twitter:
- GTRI (Global Trauma Recovery Institute)
- THI (Trauma Healing Institute, American Bible Society)